Sunday, November 8, 2009

What is government for?

It is an odd question - even order that in a sense in Britian at least the question has become so tricky.
And for three reasons. Firstly it is clear that for twenty years or so government has attempted the strangest of moves. It has attempted to dress everything it did in terms of business and partnerships with others. Government merged with a certain cross (the elites, or the would be elites in a community) . It did so while trumpeting the amount of money sent (as if spending was itself the action - the reform needed), and also claiming any change however small for the good to its credit, while denying every bad. A move that went past cynical to become idiotic, as people are not so daffy that the heavy New labour propaganda ad endless claims to have saved the world was.
The second strategy was that all difficult decisions were put out the endless communities to mitigate responsibility. This might be ok in itself, but it often simply looks like ducking the issue. More hat than these expert are of course ultimately endlessly drawn into the politician arena. The government the sets up it own internal opposition to score points of. Or in effect it rather to obviously starts to wage war of the truths that it itself has caused to be. Commities then either absolve politicians of action, or render politics too obvious to be really effective!
Finally of course there is what government does -endlessly - namely criminal justice and eduction. Both are endlessly fiddled with are reforms follows reform, until everyone is dizzy, and no one can tell which of these reforms are working and which are not..... Government then in micro management and perpetual revolution becomes at best a burden and at worse an affliction.

perhaps there real trouble ere, is that in a media age where stories an pilloried irrespective of the actual facts or at least the subtlies in the arguments, then politicians power lies not in being a government so much as being an opposition. it is as opposing one runs the power lines of a society and makes things happen or not. The trouble with New labour was then it never has looked like a government- more a perpetual opposition - while the tories never looked like taking power until they lost the trappings of power and become also an opposition.
all of which feeds back to that initial question - what is our government for?A question that demands an answer other than perpetual opposition. The trouble of course s, that f we do not have a clear answer to tins question, then the only possible answer it for themselves - an answer that surely lies behind the expenses scandal!
The result was of course that the entire edifices of

1 comment:


    Les absences coïncident à la comparution dans le salon en réplaçant cettte incidente en soi, c'est le reveil s'éffaçant; voici le rêveur en sortie losque la panique se déclare observateur néutrale,. le président a vous compri, les criants invités se précipitent des tables d'hôtel. - Qu'elqu'un d'autre fut dans un réduit qui se propage déhors comme une infinité de petites vestibules, applaudissements de portes qui s'ouvrient où qui se frappent, une averse de distraction, elle ne cesse pas, la catatrophe est décommandée à cause de pluie continuelle.



    I went downtown, saw Katie in the nude
    on Common Avenue, detracted soltitude
    as it were, like a dream-state rosely hued,
    like no one else could see her; DAMN! I phewed;

    was reciprokelly then, thank heaven, viewed,
    bestowed unique hard-on! but NOT eschewed,
    contrair-ee-lee, she took a somewhat rude
    'n readidy attude of Sex Prelude; it BREWED!

    And for a start, i hiccuped "Hi!", imbued
    with Moooood! She toodledooed: "How queued
    your awe-full specie-ally-tee, Sir Lewd,
    to prove (alas!), to have me finely screwed,

    and hopef'lly afterwards beloved, wooed,
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    Casualidad sopla la sangre
    de alguno señor desconocido
    durante los pocos restantes
    momentos del resplandor de faroles

    que se vislumbran tras el follaje
    flameando de las obsesiónes
    igual efimero como gotas
    del cinzano de la soledad –

    En aquel tiempo me levanta
    dentro uno incidente avejentado
    que en seguida palidece
    al camouflaje de abstraccion;

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    ojos significan aún; con todo
    el sueño que hube evacuado
    tu escudriñas nuevamente.

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